Root Canal Therapy

Root canals, also referred to as endodontic therapy, are performed when there is damage, injury or infection within the root of a tooth, typically to the nerves. The root of the tooth also contains blood vessels and connective tissue, in addition to nerves. When damage to this area or infection occurs, the canals in the root of the tooth must be cleaned out, filed, shaped and filled. This process occurs during a root canal procedure.

Symptoms that indicate that a root canal procedure may be necessary include:

Moderate to severe pain when chewing or biting down on a tooth

Lingering sensitivity to hot or cold food or liquid

Sensitivity when tapping on the top of the tooth

Pain radiating from one area of the mouth to another

Toothache pain severe enough to keep you up at night

Facial swelling

It is important that symptoms indicating damage or infection to a tooth’s nerve not be ignored. Root canal therapy can remove any infection or damage before it spreads further. If infection is allowed to spread beyond the nerves and tissues in a tooth’s root, tooth loss, bone loss, and more serious health issues can occur.
